Notice of CAPDM Annual General Meeting
4 April 2023
All CAPDM Members
Via Email
RE: Notice of CAPDM Annual General Meeting
Dear CAPM Members:
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to advise you that the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management (CAPDM) will be held as follows:
Monday, May 8, 2023 at 8:30 AM CDT
Platinum Ballroom 1, Sheraton Grand, Nashville, TN
While only one representative per member-company may vote on their organization’s behalf, all representatives of CAPDM member-companies are encouraged to attend to hear first-hand the business of your Association. In addition to annual reports from CAPDM’s Chair and President, the agenda will include election of Directors to the Association’s Board, presentation of the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, and appointment of the auditors for 2023. A full agenda and package will be distributed at least one week in advance, and include a proxy for those member-companies unable to attend in person.
We hope you’ll join us – in person or by proxy – and make your vote count in CAPDM’s Annual General Meeting.
Angelique Berg
President & CEO